Zen Cleats and introducing the brand new “uh…no” marker

YellowCrank introduces products that are uniquely engineered or designed. Typically it is left to the reader to judge how useful they think a product might be for them.
But every once in a while, I come across an item where I go “wtf” first, then look a bit deeper and still go “wtf,” followed by a “uh…no.”

My issue in such cases is less so with the aesthetics, or the extent to which the product is useful. Instead, it is with what I think are purely wrong claims being made, misleading the buyer.
I have until now ignored those products, deeming them unworthy of being listed on YellowCrank.
But now I think that it is necessary to call them out, as they not only deceive buyers, but they also do a disservice to all other companies that make an honest effort at developing something that does make a difference and has the possibly equally difficult task at convincing media and buyers of that fact.

Rarely do fraudulent products get called out by the “big” cycling media (besides in some features about past failures), as there is simply no money to be made by mentioning them. Making another review article about the latest Sram groupset or Fizik saddle is more profitable.
Since YellowCrank writes about everything other media does not report on, it makes even more sense to introduce this new category and a new marker, the “uh…no” marker.
YellowCrank’s sign of wtf and disapproval.

Today you’ll read about the first product to get called out here, the cleats sold under the “Zen system” name by the Italian company Skopre.
The claim is that using wedge-shaped cleats changes the “direction of the vectorial push,” accelerating your cadence and, ultimately, your power output.
They are citing a study (they call it a “test”) of one (!), with a rider riding an indoor trainer twice (!), and being able to put out more power when using the Zen cleats. Of course, any result is meaningless.
The set-up, as described in itself, raises many questions; here is the direct quote:

“Protocol and Method
A single trained subject, with use of a bicycle simulator and power meter.
The simulator was set on the biomechanical measures of the subject under
test thus allowing to obtain his best performance of pedalling.
The simulator is equipped with sensors on the cranks able to read
the general power through the power expressed at the pedal.
The simulator is equipped with a magnets motor that allows to
define a constant resistance. The subject was asked to keep RPM
around 80 per minute, read by the simulator.”

Their result showed an increase of about 4% in power output. Sorry, this is nonsense. It just means the subject did not keep the same average cadence in both cases. It does not say anything about the reason why.

I took an image from their website and added my illustration to show that a wedge changes the plane of the pedal; it does not affect the foot position nor its relation to the pedal axis. So there is no difference besides adding weight and mass and slightly increasing the distance from the pedal axis to the foot.

Please save your money and spend it on good coffee before or mid-ride. It will have more effect on your performance.
I have contacted Skopre for comment; if they have anything to add, I’ll share it here.

4 thoughts on “Zen Cleats and introducing the brand new “uh…no” marker

  • November 24, 2021 at 6:51 pm

    Hi there, I am based in Italy and I have been working for several years to this project ZENsystem Cadence/Power Booster, and tested with many cyclists both amateurs and pros, and then, after having proven the product works we have launched it and we are finally received positive comments from pro cyclists (not sponsored nor paid) confirm the product works as per the press release that was released yesterday, Nov 24th. Let me know in case you wish to receive samples for your own a testing, and I will be happy to mail them to you. PS: when I lanched CamelBak, BUFF, Rotor and GoPro (I have been scouting and launching innovation during over 35 years to date, many people thought such products would never get to become what they instead became, milestones in the market place, making the day of many happy users, worldwide. Let me know…

  • November 24, 2021 at 6:59 pm

    Press release above mentioned and picyure of the pro here below:
    Dear All at Riteway Japan,
    we are pleased to share with you the press release here below issued yesterda. This is an unexpected result due to a kind action of our supplier Roto in Italy (roto.it, Mr. & Mrs. Antonelli manufacturer of our patented ZENsystem Cleat) who sponsored the Pro Cycling Team with their water bottles and gave a few pairs of our special cleats to the team manager who eventually let the riders test them.

    You may translate in Japanese and use it at your best in your social network in Japan.
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    Stefano Doldi > Founder CEO
    SKOPRE S.r.l.
    Ph. +39 348.56.12.655 | @ s.doldi@skopre.com | http://www.skopre.com
    Italy – Via Case Sparse 6, 15050 Sant’Agata Fossili (AL)
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    ! Pensez à l’impact sur l’environnement avant d’imprimer cet e-mail
    ———- Forwarded message ———
    Da: Stefano Doldi
    Date: mer 24 nov 2021 alle ore 10:10

    Ciao Mauro questa è il risultato di una fornitura fatta a mia insaputa da un nostro cliente che sponsorizza con le borracce la squadra,
    Un abbraccio

    ———- Forwarded message ———
    Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2021 at 08:34


    The riders of Androni Giocattoli Sidermec have tried and tested ZENsystem in the version “CLEAT”, special clears for road cycling shoes, which are compatible with Look pedals, which allow you to obtain a real increase in power without additional effort. Some riders of the team, which have confirmed itself as the best Italian team in the Uci world rankings, tested the special cleats during training, and have been able to confirm the actual benefits and increase of power using the system.
    ZENsystem is now also available in the SLIP version, an insert that is positioned between the sole and the cleat, compatible with all pedals; the models take advantage of the wedge-shaped design and transform a road cycling shoe into a more performing shoe than any other that does not have it.
    Technically, in fact, the ZENsystem design geometrically increases the distance between the pedal axis and the sole, and allows the foot to move forward on the pedal axis by tilting the pedal plane downwards without changing the position of the rider in any way. The result is the optimization of the pedaling thrust vectors near the bottom dead center. At the same time, the compression of the kneecaps is reduced, which greatly affects the mechanical efficiency of pedaling.
    ZENsystem, with greater fluidity and comfort, allows you to have an increase in pedaling cadence with a 5% increase in power, especially uphill, passing, in the simulations, from 185.2 watts to 193.4 watts without any effort additional.
    More information on ZENsystem can be obtained at https://www.skopre.it/index.php?cPath=23

    PRESS RELEASE – November 24, 2021.

    Attached one photo.

    Fabio Marzaglia
    Asteel Sa
    +39 3386045992
    Responsabile comunicazione Androni Giocattoli Sidermec
    Sent from Gmail Mobile
    Area degli allegati

  • November 24, 2021 at 10:09 pm

    By the way,, no one reached out to Skopre to date, or we would have answered ppromptly. Cheers,

  • February 25, 2025 at 8:16 pm

    Dear forum members,

    We are pleased to greet you and take this opportunity to introduce ourselves. We are Sport Lab, a sports laboratory specialized in cycling, with over 25 years of experience in biomechanics, physiology, nutrition, genetics, and high-performance training.

    Regarding previous comments about Skopre products, we would like to share our experience: Skopre products not only provide an exceptional experience, but they have also been essential in optimizing the performance of numerous cyclists over the years. Our trust in these products is so strong that we have implemented them across all our international branches, always achieving outstanding results.

    It is important to note that in cases where benefits are not immediately apparent, this is often related to individual biomechanical aspects that may require personalized adjustments. That is precisely why, at Sport Lab, we work closely with each athlete to ensure their biomechanics are perfectly optimized, maximizing performance and preventing potential discomfort.

    Additionally, we would like to acknowledge the work of Mr. Stefano Doldi, who has always provided professional, attentive, and proactive support for any questions or concerns. His dedication and professional ethics perfectly reflect the values that Skopre stands for, and we believe this recognition is well deserved.

    We remain at your disposal to address any questions or provide the guidance you may need.


    HQ Dir Pablo Fernández Gálvez| SportLab


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